Surface Preparation Products

Surface Preparation Products
Quick-Tac Accelerator, for Faster Curing
QUICK-TAC ACCELERATORTM has been developed as a treating agent for use with the ADVANCE PERFORMANCE TM family of instant adhesive products. If faster setting speeds are desired, QUICK-TACTM will aid the curing process and give exceptionally faster set times. When curing beads or in applications where the adhesive is not between two parts, it will allow for fast uniform curing.
QUICK-TACTM will aid the bonding of porous materials such as fabrics or woods. It is useful when bonding acidic surfaces or in low humidity conditions promoting consistent curing times. Ideal for wire tacking, silk screening, or in loudspeaker assembly. Using QUICK-TACTM enables the adhesive to fill gaps up to 0.20". QUICK-TACTM can
Poly Prep Primer, for Bonding Difficult Surfaces
This primer system is used for difficult to bond surfaces. POLY PREP PRIMERTM can be applied by brushing, spraying, or parts may be dipped prior to assembly. It is used on polyethylene, polypropylene, certain elastomers, or other difficult to bond substrates. It is a single component, ready to use material. Simply apply it to the surface you wish to bond, wait 30 seconds, and the parts are ready for assembly. POLY PREP PRIMERTM is used with the ADVANCE PERFORMANCETM products. Available in 2 ounce bottles and 1 gallon containers.
Shelf life is 1 years from date of shipment.
Remove Instant Adhesive DebonderTM
This unique product easily removes cured adhesive from countertops, work stations, assembly tools and production parts. Just apply to the area that needs to be treated, wait 30 seconds, wipe residue away with a damp cloth and discard. If adhesive residue remains on the surface, repeat this process. Available in 2 ounce bottles and 1 gallon containers.
Shelf life is 2 years from date of shipment.